Elemental Garden
North Loburn, New Zealand

The dream for Elemental is that a new form of understanding and exchanging energy is created when services or experiences of value are shared between people.
Whilst we may not be able to change the system that dominates our larger costs right now - for accommodation, sustenance, fuel and utilities - we can still creatively explore better ways to share our human goodness and kindness with one another, develop our self-sufficiency and keep the larger state out of those transactions which hugely benefit our lives: to say that we 'cannot afford' healing, relaxation, connection and learning opportunities is to me the sign of a failed society.
What if instead of using the voucher we call 'money', seeds were the currency of exchange? After all, seeds are tiny pieces of stored potential, a true investment and once planted, depending on their nature could survive, decades, centuries or even thousands of years! What an investment that truly is. Seeds nourish the human spirit with their eventual beauty as well as feed the human body with their nourishing support.
Seeds represent patient investment and the future. Money represents a means of immediate gratification.
The Creative Pricing Programme at Elemental is not meant to bring more complexity into the world, but instead fire our imaginations to create new or better solutions for ourselves and the experiences of enrichment that we long to bring into our daily lives - in a realm of experience "Beyond Money"
If you'd like to contribute, give or receive through the experiment Elemental is running, click on one of the 4 Elements in the menu above, to explore all the creative possibilities we have available to us.​