How many people say that life is boring, dull? How many people think they themselves are boring? It used to be the favourite word of the average child and in the empty space we were left to discover our own creativity or find less beneficial ways of easing the mind-numbing dullness of modern material life, where we appear to have it all, yet at the same time know something essential is missing.
So why is it, all too often those bright souls who dare to be different, quirky, unique, unusual or creative get shunned or teased or shut down?
We have been trained, conditioned, schooled to blend in with the crowd. Shamed for stepping out of line. There are always a few rebels of course, one or two become loners and shun society all together, and then the rest of the rebels band together and although they may go against the ‘normies’, they still end up copying one another and holding one another to the same level of tyranny – wear our gang’s patch, or else you’ll risk being pushed to the fringes again and exiled!
What a grey world we have made our lives, when humans are so full of untapped, under-developed POTENTIAL!
I remember as a child watching a TV programme called "Why Don't You,,?" and it's following line was, "go and do something less boring instead?" The children of today are constantly given stuff to fill the spaces and some parents seem terrified of gaps in their children's lives, or are just too burnt out with overdoing everything, so the flat screen is too often used as a pacifier. Babies in the USA are given 'pacifiers' to soothe them when they make any noise or express emotion, in the UK the equivalent is called a 'dummy'. Hmm, I wonder if there's a clue in that? A piece of plastic or silicone is used to stop all that messy infant emotion from being expressed into the world. How dare we emote and make noise? Adults find other forms of the baby's pacifier to soothe away thir stress - if only we could find better ways to give ourselves the compassion and understanding we really need.
Today is the Spring Equinox, when Nature says "make all things equal" but that's a challenging word to interpret in today's hyper-sensitive world. Maybe it's best to remember our true equality through our beating hearts and hands and begin the long journey back to discovering, nurturing and showing the world our own unique viewpoint and forms of expression without fear or shame.
The other day a bright, sparkling soul said,
“You do you and I’ll do me!”
Perfect! Enough said.