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Whiterock Quarry Dreaming


Somebody important once said “I have a dream”... well I’m a nobody and I have dreams too.

The thing is, I believe in my dreams, because so many of my dreams have come true. The magical ingredient is Belief, though some would could it luck but I recognise that personal action and courage were a part of making my dreams come true too.

As an inspirational man once said, "If you can conceive it AND believe it, you can achieve it" - Napoleon Hill.

I once dreamed of meeting a lovely man and living happily ever after. I met him and poor soul that he is 36 years later he’s still stuck with me. The dream was the meeting, the happily ever after is the best life's work we could ever do.


I once dreamed of coming to NZ to live. My husband said is was impossible because of our family circumstances. But we got here.

Eventually, we lived happily in Rangiora town. But I dreamed of living in Loburn. I used to sit in my car in Chapel Rd and said to myself what would it be like to live here? My husband said it was impossible, too expensive, but against the odds we got here. We became residents of Loburn and have lived here for 10 years.

Did I mention that determination (to determine for oneself) is another key? Some people call it pig-headedness!

He still hasn’t learned his lesson or how stubborn his wife is – because I never, ever give up on my dreams, no matter how many times I stumble and fall, or how big the mountain is. I believe we all have to climb mountains inside and out, to live our dreams. Some people are so frightened though they don’t even dare to dream.

A dream is created by harnessing the power of the imagination for great good – often other people, organisations and governments harness our imaginations for us and fill them with stories fuelled by fear and horror. We are sometimes kept frozen in fear because the power of the imagination is so great. If you have a powerful imagination, it equally means you have a powerful creative ability living inside of you that is trapped and not being used properly. That creativity is your birthright and it is your solemn duty to reclaim it -or you will be destined to live a life of your smallness and fears rather than a life of limitless possibility filled with goodness.

13 years ago a big dream appeared inside me, far bigger than me and my little life, it included the efforts of lots of other people who weren’t afraid to dream too. So I wrote it down in a book and drew pictures. Since then I have been learning more and nurturing my family and sometimes falling apart and putting myself back together again. I saw that many other people were hurting and broken too – and I could sense that the big dream would bring medicine to help to heal our broken society.

When news about the quarry broke out, I felt sad and frightened and resentful. Another big company that didn’t care about our precious world was wanting to cause more harm and distruction and I started to feel broken for a while and my dream slipped further away again.

So in my frustration and fear, I eventually plucked up my courage and wrote to that company, that Goliath to share part of my big dream and verbally vent my frustration at them.

Then I got a humbling, a shock to my system.

30 mins later I received a phone call from Gerard Daldry the owner of Protranz. Why would he call a nobody like me? Because he cared enough to bother.

We talked for quite a while – it wasn’t just a perfunctory courtesy call. It was a genuine human connection. I spun into confusion because now I had to reconcile the picture that had been seeded by others with my own experiential reality of the present moment.

Some humans manipulate the good intent of other humans. I’ve experienced it plenty of times. I know how it feels. That was not one of those times.

I was excited and wanted to share the breakthrough with other Loburn residents and tell them it’s ok, he’s not a monster, don’t be afraid, we can talk and work things out. But I was mistaken. The others were tangled in their own web of fears, the nightmare realm which is where the imagination takes you when you don’t live out your own experience but get caught in the power of others imaginings that would take you to a place of darkness. A group projecting their own unexplored shadows and fears out into the world of form creates a very dark place indeed.

The next step was to talk to Mike McCaleb, I’d heard imagination stories about him too, again I was afraid, what if he were the real monster? But I just met and talked with another man. He listened too, he cared too, he just saw things differently to Gerard.

These two men had more in common than they might imagine. Maybe common ground is where we all need to go to heal in this confusing world right now.

Two locally influential men at odds with one another. Ah, that’s how wars are made. That’s what we see on the world stage, just on a much bigger scale. Everyone else caught in tangled webs of propaganda, of other people's thoughts and feelings and words - if all those people cut themselves free and dreamed their own dreams to heal and inspire themselves, then offered the experience to other people, what a different world this place would be.

Both Gerard Daldry and James Mike McCaleb, I felt, genuinely love their wives and families and communities and are interested in the future – that was the thing that stood out to me most. And those precious people on both sides should not be sacrificed on the altar of dissent. I hope the power of love they both hold as an energetic potential can be reconciled and redirected so we can steer our community ship to a new world waiting to be discovered

The moral for us all is we all have to be careful not to fill other peoples’ heads with our own painful stories, griefs and fears. Our fears are our personal inner demons and they have to be dealt with and defeated by ourselves alone – otherwise we project them onto other people and see and experience only darkness all around us. It takes a lot of self-discipline to recognise when imagination has run amuck and too many stories have been embellished

If we can paint a beautiful enough picture and share it with others, another kind of hypnotic spell can be created - one in which people join together, with a shared vision that unites, whilst each person maintains their essential autonomy and creativity to safely offer their different perspective to the whole.

When minds think alike, dangerous things can occur, when hearts resonate together, a powerful and unstoppable force for good can unfold instead.

Limestone means Sanctuary according to writer Barry Brailsford - my dream is that the quarry will become a sanctuary, held in ancient sacred space, that brings a community together, through art, creativity, gardening and solving common problems of the rubbish and waste that the culture we all take so many benefits from, creates.

Many minds and hearts creatively focused on providing solutions rather than making more problems - what a beautiful sight that would be!

Here's hoping Limestone-Whiterock-Pakeho will bring us a unifying dream.

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