We’ve been told stories that soldiers at war are courageous. That to battle and take life from others is brave. To harm, destroy and poison is the way forward to a more peaceful world. All around the Earth, stories are being told of her people growing further apart, fear rising, ideas of war and division and righteousness, like scattered seeds, blowing in the wind.
I believe the winds of change are here though and those seeds of destruction will blow far away.
The Winter Garden spoke to me today of real courage. Whilst most of the garden appears lifeless, even dead, our Great Mother promises that new life will return to the world no matter what – not to give up hope, for rebirth, warmth and beauty are inevitable – and to hold that knowing in your heart and to spread that story far and wide...for that is Courage. To hope that we can do things differently in the seasons to come, with more clarity and honesty and change the patterns of the past, with the next turn of the Wheel of Life.
This Earth knows she will have to watch some of her children pass away in the challenging time of change - but she will carry on living, producing and creating new forms of life regardless of our errors. Even when everything is dark and cold, she keeps dreaming and imagining that the garden can be even more beautiful when the next turn of the cycle begins. She hopes that new patterns of energy will be woven into the physical world and that all her creations will have the true courage needed to live the best version of themselves and grow with love, spreading more of the same. She implores all forms of life to give one another space to live and breathe in their own best way – so she has created an army of sensitive gardeners, those willing to do the work that will allow everything in the garden a place to thrive.
When we take the time to travel inwards, as Winter invites us to do, we may come face to face with the only real battle that must be fought. Its the one we have with our own “inner demons”, the ones that present us with fears and blockages that tell us our heart's dream is impossible - and to not even bother trying.
Those inner demons are the only thing we should be fighting - on the inner planes of our being.
Then we might live fully, create and recreate until the best version of our inner and outer landscapes appear.
Now that... is courage.