A shed in the garden that we just can’t seem to get around to fixing up, located way down on the long list of to-dos, started demanding attention.
It was time to tackle it – and what had now become a junk space was reluctantly emptied. Some things needed letting go of and dumping, others put up for recycling and the rest sorting out and found a new home.
A process just like the trees of autumn, of stripping away, recycling and only the bare bones left, ready for new life when the seasons turn.
Eventually our rubbish was gone and empty space had returned. The junk room can breathe again after being so constricted. Nature abhors a vacuum it is said. Funny that a vacuum sucks up dirt so a space can be refreshed and enjoyed again.
The shed now stood more of a chance of becoming a garden shower room, as was originally planned.
Our own lives are exactly the same.
They are so full of what really doesn’t belong, what has been collected over time, that our original soul’s purpose for our lifetime, may never be visible. We are jammed to full capacity. Junk activities, repetitive thoughts, day fillers, routine chores, emotional dramas, our own and as if that wasn’t enough - other people’s too, that we have mistakenly made ourselves responsible for.
We need a vacuum to come into our daily lives and suck up all the dross.
In astrology there is one month of the cycle that helps with space-clearing. It is the month before the B-Earth Day. The 12th house of retreat. I’m in that time now. Creating time and space for reflection allows for unpacking of baggage, so that movement into the next cycle can be lighter and freer – kind of like a snake shedding its skin, ready for renewal.
In the Mayan Calendar we have also entered the 11th Moon, called Spectral, guided by the Snake – and it too asks “How do I release and let go?” So I get a double-whammy of snakey delight every May.
You too have these opportunities in your personal birth chart to retreat, reflect and let go. Astrology provides a useful structure that reminds us to do this for ourselves, our own regular psychic house clean. It doesn’t have to mean going away to fancy places, which can be expensive and unnecessary. Retreat is really from the world at large so that you can “lean into” your stuff and deal with it. Can you imagine living a whole life and never letting go of anything? Just accumulating more and more and more stuff, like painful memories we cannot release. Imagine how heavy and suffocating that would be. Life encourages us to clean up.
Retreat and the autumn/winter seasons of the cycle invite us to go within. For me it means more time to write, which is therapy and represents a process I both love and fear, I need to “let go” of inhibitions and deliberately placed obstacles I put in my own path, I have to “let go” of fake ‘guilt’ at just sitting here and writing. I have to “let go” of that fear once I’ve accepted it exists. I have to “let go of memories of being marked and judged for my creative writing, I have to “let go” of worrying about what other people think in order to create. I have to “let go” of the fear of making mistakes, which are constant, as that is creativity’s nature. I have to “let go” of the dread of saying the ‘wrong’ thing – for someone out there, even though it may be the ‘right’ thing for another.
For that reason, when I write something to Leave here in this space I will try to not go back and look at it again or be concerned with where it ends up, or who finds it. I just want it to grow within me, unfold in the light of the sun and eventually fall into the web of this space when it’s ready. What has been grown, what you love, ultimately can never be clung to.
Just like a child. Or a dream project.
Everything must eventually be let go of – to grow as it will, in its own way.
And all these thoughts, like the 'stuff' in the junk room, that finally need clearing and letting go of, may drift through someone else's life as they wander by. Autumn leaves of my life's journey, falling to the ground for tomorrow's compost.