We’ve all heard of the Lewis Carroll story, the follow up to Alice in Wonderland. The question is, do you “act like Alice?”. Do you wonder or wander? Do you go down rabbit holes? And do you walk through “the looking glass”, the mirror of life in order to explore ‘reality’?
Mirrors are everywhere. Our mind has them, those mirror neurons, their evolutionary principle being to help us relate, so that social bonding can take place, but what have we “bonded” with most strongly today?
A computer screen or mobile phone is a powerful looking glass and has our attention as captured as last generation’s was by the television. What do you see when you look through those windows and what is the mirror reflecting back to you? What do you CHOOSE to look at and listen to? How active is your discernment when tuning in? Or are you hopelessly addicted to staring at anything? Where is the power centre? Outside of you, or within? These are all questions I’ve asked myself over and over to understand as deeply as possible how we can all move forward in a healthy way with the constant presence of this technology in our lives.
The eyes are called the windows of the soul. If the heart, is the seat of the soul, and the eyes allow us to look within, what reflects back to us? Often today I see a vacant stare, a sadness, an emptiness. I guess staring at something inanimate like a flat screen for large parts of the day will do that to humans; the irony is people are just desperately trying to ‘connect’...hopefully with their own and others humanity.
I wrangled for a long time about creating a web-page and writing my thoughts down. Wouldn’t I then just be adding to the problem that is causing us to be lost in a void and disconnected from our vast, unexplored human potential? Especially when the dream intent of Elemental is to reconnect individuals in physical space and with their own creative potential. Then I came to realise that the responsibility is with the seeker. If there was a small chance that I might contribute inspiration to others well-being through creating a website, then hopefully that original intent would remain in what was created. I’ve been deeply supported by this technology on my own learning journey over the last two decades through all that others have shared through this 'medium' - but it was always a dysfunctional love-hate relationship. My deep fear of addiction, (to yet another thing!) and of getting lost in it, has caused me to place as many protective mechanisms in place as possible.
So as we seek and wander, whether in physical reality or cyber space we have three important human qualities we carry with us when we move into, or penetrate this ‘other reality’.
Wisdom, power and love.
It is said that one of the purposes of existing in this human form is to learn about these three energetic qualities and how to use energy – wisely, powerfully and lovingly. Then potential grows and an influence can be exerted. Is the influence wise, powerful or loving?
We all know of the influencers of today’s reality – many of them young people clinging desperately to a superficial version of themselves and fleeting fame. A desperate need to be seen and validated by others. And doing anything...anything to maintain that vaporous influence. Rather than be influenced, which has a powerful dark side, maybe it’s better to be inspired, filled with breath (power) and courage (love) and inner-knowing (wisdom) that life’s dreams are possible for each of us.
Maybe you don’t listen to your heart’s whispers and instead live vicariously through the outside influence (they have the ‘power’) You may look at the imagery they provide and suppress your own urges and remain in a flat existence. Or it may be that your energy is trapped and you stare zombie like at anything and everything. Love for your own precious life and existence ebbing away.
Life dreamed us into Being for a reason. I hope you’re not lost in the hall of mirrors or down unnecessary rabbit holes, stuck in a sticky web - and have fully explored the reality of You and your infinite potential.